The Five Laws of Library Science / Edible Forest Gardens May 2024 The Five Laws of Library Science is a theory proposed by S.R. Rangathan about the operating principles of library, and how it mimics a growing forest of information. Edible Forest Gardens by Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier is an ecological journal detailing how the forests around us flourish into libraries of information for humans to learn from. This publication aims to garden this relationship between the forest and the library.
Type 2 with Laura Coombs
Typeset in Bradford / ABC Oracle
The Epitaph Project October 2024 With its beginnings rooted within a research-based mapping of the Sprague Family Lotin Providence’s Swan Point Cemetary, the Epitaph Project aims to question the notion of what an epitaph truly could be. Is rememberance rooted in just tombstones and the words engraved in them? Through various design experimentation and exploration, culminating to a final interactive web experience, this 6-week collaborative project asks the audience: How do you want to be remembered?
Design Studio 4 with Lucinda Hitchcock
In collaboration with Maggie Xian, Katie Hwang
Identity and branding system for a convention for RGB nerds and CMYK enthusiasts. For lovers of printed matter, screen-based purists, those a little too obsessed with paper, and color gamut experts. Which team are you on?
Type 2 with Laura Coombs
Typeset in NewEdge666
CHECK YOUR EMAIL!Febuary 2024 A visualization of information tracked on often I check my email throughout the week, along with certain behaviors - archiving, reading, fidgeting.
Design Studio 2 with Emily Rye
Typeset in Acid Grotesk
Angel in the MachineDecember 2023 A zine of collected texts relating to how the taxonomy of an angel mimics computers— from microwave humming, OS systems, and telephone poles.
Design Studio 1 with Anther Kiley
Typeset in ABC Diatype / ITC Garamond